Accessing Assignments

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About Accessing Assignments

The Canvas Student app is a great tool to help you keep track of your assignments. There are several areas you may see assignments, such as: your Canvas Calendar, your To-Do list, and within your courses.

Identifying Assignments

screenshot of the process outlined below


To find your Assignments in the app, look for the Assignments icon. 


Opening an Assignment 

The most common locations to view your assignments within a course is through Modules or the Assignments area. Please note: The Assignments area may not be turned on by your instructor.

animation of the process outlined below


To open an assignment:

  1. Select a course from the Student App Dashboard.
  2. Choose either the "Modules" or "Assignments" tab in the course menu.
  3. Locate and select an assignment.
  4. Expand the window for a full-screen view of the assignment details.


In addition to Assignments, you can access and complete other graded activities, such as Discussions and Quizzes. For more information on Discussions and Quizzes in the app, check out the Canvas Guides.


Some features within the Student App vary by version and device. This demo has been done on an iPad (iOS) tablet. Check the Canvas Mobile Guides Links to an external site. for device-specific details.

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