How This Course Works



This course is organized into Modules. Each module contains required readings, activities, and suggested/optional resources. 

You are welcome to move through the modules as quickly as you please, but you need to complete them in order (do not skip around). The modules are designed in progression so that you move from one topic to the next, building on the skills and outcomes of the previous unit. 


Required Activities


  • Read the text!  E-text or paper text.  Read the chapter lightly the first time.  Note the vocabulary and pictures to get the scope of the chapter.  Read again as you work through the problems.
  • Watch posted videos.  This course has many videos to demonstrate the functions.  Click on the MyLab and Mastering link in the navigation bar to access them.
  • The required electronic homework will be completed through MyLab (Pearson) site.  These activities reinforce the lessons presented in the text.
  • Business spreadsheet assignments will be provided to allow you to apply your knowledge into a practical assessment.
  • A practical final exam will give you an opportunity to show what you can do!


Scoring & Feedback of Required Activities


Required activities will be scored within 3 days of the due date. 




We recommend working on this course at least 5-7 hours weekly in order to ensure that you're able to complete the course successfully in a reasonable amount of time. The estimated time to complete this course is 70 hours, but your experience may vary depending on your technology skills, your Internet connection speed, and your knowledge of Canvas tools and features.  

Look at your schedule now; what days/times will you devote to your success? 


Course Completion 

Successful completion of this course requires a minimum course grade of 75% or higher.


Asking Questions & Getting Help



Our Common Questions discussion board is an ungraded discussion forum where you can ask general questions and support each other with ideas and resources. Facilitators will monitor this forum.  



Email me your questions.  Canvas email is preferred as it pops up on my mobile device and I can respond.  I check regularly week days, periodically on evenings or weekends.



Zoom will be used to record classroom discussions.  The discussions will be posted for those that would like to review at their convenience.